Important functions of the Center include providing information, referral and advocacy assistance for members needing help in obtaining medical, social and legal services, public benefits and entitlements, housing, etc.​
In addition, the Center offers a wide variety of programs FREE: For your health: Blood pressure screening, educational programs, exercise, medical equipment exchange, continental breakfast and hot lunch programs with wheel chair transportation. For your pleasure: Arts, crafts, bingo, card and board games, scrabble, cribbage, crocheting, movies, and wheelchair bowling & lunch two Mondays a month at Westgate Lanes.
​Free Continental breakfast & Hot lunch program daily​ cooked on the site by Darlene Amado our volunteer Cook.

Wednesday Eve dinner: We go out once a month at a local handicapped accessible restaurant.

​​Entertainment: We have monthly holiday/birthday celebrations with entertainers from the surrounding towns payed in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council a state agency that funds Brockton Local Cultural Council.

Management & Advocacy: Cindy DiScipio the Executive Director is there to assist you with advocacy assistance for members needing help in obtaining medical, social and legal services, public benefits and entitlements, housing, etc.